Current Noise Generation API is very primitive, Built using Unity.Mathematics and it's Noise API for Burst support.
Currently, the noise generator is restricted too 2D generation using Simplex Noise with few settings exposed like :-
- Height - Max hieght of the height map, this value is not a height limit as the engine supports infinite generation in all directions. this is just the limit for 2D height map generation.
- Seed - Offset used to shift the noise textures internally, same vaules will provide the same result
- Scale - zoom level or distance between adjecent sample points, higher the value higher the variation
- Octaves - Number of layers of noise maps to be applied over each other, Higher value increase computation cost but provide richer result
- Persistence - Effect of each subsiquent octave.
- Lacunarity - Frequency shift for each subsiquent octave.
A comprehensive noise generation system is part of the plan for Vloxy Engine and work on it will begin post the first release